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Meet the Artists: FauxRealz

Continuing our deep dive into the artists behind Disciples of Distortion Vol. 3, we’re excited to introduce FauxRealz. Bringing together old-school influences and modern techniques, FauxRealz delivers a hard-hitting track titled “Catacomb” in collaboration with Subcat. His journey from DJing to full-time production is reflected in the meticulous care he puts into each track.

Disciples of Distortion Vol 3 | Out Now: https://cygnusmusic.link/bn4lgyq

Meet FauxRealz

Can you share a brief background about yourself as an artist? How did you get started in music, and what are some of your influences?

I started tinkering in DnB back in the early 2000s, took a long hiatus, and then came back to it several years ago. Although I enjoy DJing a lot, my main focus since returning has been on production. I’ve been absorbing as much info and techniques from fellow artists as I can, applying what I’ve learned to my music with my own flair and spin. My inspiration comes from old-school legends like BSE, Noisia, Stakka & Skynet, as well as current heavyweights like Transforma, Redpill, Gydra, and Teddy Killerz.

What was the inspiration behind your track on this compilation? Can you walk us through your creative process for “Catacomb”?

To be completely honest, Subcat himself was my inspiration behind this track. We decided to do a collab together, and he sent over a WIP (Work In Progress) of the beginnings of what is now “Catacomb.” I immediately loved where it was going and had tons of ideas bouncing around in my head to add and arrange. After passing the project file back and forth several times—and a few Muse sessions—”Catacomb” was born.

Are there any specific production techniques or tools you used in this track that you’d like to highlight?

In the world of DnB production, Cubase users are a bit of a minority. Since that’s both of our DAW of choice, we were excited to just share a project file back and forth instead of having to stem out the channels every time we passed it. As for tools (plugins) I used in this track, I went heavy on Rift here and potentially abused the hell out of it.

Did you face any challenges while creating this track? How did you overcome them?

For myself, yes, many, lol. I quickly realized that my skill level was nowhere near Subcat’s level. I overcame this by listening to his advice, looking through the plugins he was using, and learning what and why he was doing what he was with them. Seeing how someone else operates within the same DAW you use really helps put things into clearer perspective. I learned a lot from him during this collab.

Is there a personal story or meaning behind this track that you’d like to share?

There really wasn’t a personal meaning or story behind this tune on my end, since it came to me as a WIP from Subcat. He’d be the one to answer that question. I just added to it and did what sounded right and good to me.

(Related: Check out Subcat’s previous interview here to learn more about his creative process.)

The Track

FauxRealz, Subcat – Catacomb
“Catacomb” is an epic headbanger crafted by FauxRealz and Subcat, born out of a collaboration that began with a simple WIP and evolved into a dense, atmospheric masterpiece. The track opens with an eerie, atmospheric intro that builds tension before unleashing its tight powerful drop, featuring squealing leads that cut through the mix. Designed to keep the energy high and the crowd moving, “Catacomb” is a stomper, driven by a catchy lead line that propels the track forward, making it a must-play in any high-octane neurofunk set.

How do you view the community of artists involved in Disciples of Distortion Vol. 3? Have you collaborated with any of the other artists on the compilation before?

I’ve done multiple collabs at this point, but this will be my first one with a community member and my first one on Stonx Music. Being part of this VA with so many talented people is amazing and exciting!

What can your fans expect from you in the near future? Are there any upcoming projects or releases you’d like to mention?

I’ve got a few things in the works that are releasing soon. I did a remix of ESKR’s “Einstein Cross” for Boomslang Records, which is coming out in the future. MOMENTUM and I are working on our next collab EP, hopefully for Abducted again. Plus, a few more collab projects are in the works—one with Neothrope, one with Dialective, and one with MYGR. Also, a remix for Sindicate’s tune “Criminal” is nearing completion. Keep an eye out for these!

I just want to see heads nodding and bodies bouncing! FINGER GUNS IN THE AIR!!


What advice would you give to up-and-coming artists who are trying to make a name for themselves in the electronic music scene?

Don’t give up! This takes a lot of trial and error, so soak up all the info you can from other artists, and practice! I’m still in this category of “up-and-comers” myself, and there have been plenty of times my frustration has risen, but just take a deep breath, put your head down, and power through it. You got this!

Are there any other projects, labels, or events you’d like to promote? Feel free to give a shoutout!

Too many to list, my apologies if I miss anyone:

Big ups to Stonx, the Stonx Music Discord community, Bad Syntax, Dialective and Dialect Audio, Subcat, Neothrope, Sindicate, ESKR, SYN, my good friends MOMENTUM, PacD, and Axon Gap, the BrainRave crew, the Boomslang crew, all the Twitch fam (can’t wait to meet you all at Jungle Bells), and to all those that like my shit snares!

What do you hope listeners take away from your music and this release?

I just want to see heads nodding and bodies bouncing! FINGER GUNS IN THE AIR!!

Where can fans connect with you online?

FauxRealz: You can find me on:



For more updates, keep an eye on our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter pages.

Disciples of Distortion Vol 3 | Out Now: https://cygnusmusic.link/bn4lgyq

Words by STONX and Stonx Music Co – Founder Ollie Barron

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