Welcome everyone! It’s my pleasure to bring you all the May 2024 monthly Community Roundup. I’m FauxRealz, and I’ll be highlighting all the awesome stuff you have accomplished this last month and talk about the things you all have upcoming. As a community, we all strive to help lift each other up, progress through the sound of music as a whole, and be a welcoming place for new-comers to learn and grow with us!
Monthly Community Member Spotlight:
Every month, we will be spotlighting a community member that has gone above and beyond, making an impact within the community and scene as a whole.
This month’s Community Member Spotlight goes to:

Per the words directly from last month’s Community Spotlight recipient, Triddy, “Acidion makes me believe there is hope left for the US.” Acidion has been a member of the Stonx Music Discord since May of 2023, and has been a positive force since then. His engagement is always encouraging, his feedback is always meaningful and constructive, and he’s a regular on just about every topic and discussion within the Discord server. Acidion is a powerful DJ, exploring many subgenres of DnB, and streams much of what he does on his Twitch channel on a regular basis. He’s also started exploring DnB production, and I for one, am excited to see where this leads him and what he creates in the future!
You can find Acidion on the Stonx Music Discord server and also on his Twitch, Soundcloud, and YouTube channels.
Give him a follow & Check out his guest mix on Stonxcast!
New Releases:
May 2nd
May 27th
May 15th

Neuroheadz – Headz Up vol. 2 (Neuroheadz) – Several Community Members on this one along with a lot of heavy hitting talent.
Upcoming Releases:
June 7th
Skorpion – Experimental Research (1 More Thing)

June 20th

Korax – Hidden Technique / EXO Suit (Stonx Music)
Available on June 20th via Beatport and Spotify, Globally on July 4th
Posted by Community Member, Lee UHF: 3 releases from labels he works with, 1 on VTO Records and 2 on Dirtbox Recordings: Various release dates

VTO – Chapter 2
Competitions, Challenges, and Submissions :
Every year, Stonx Music has a community VA, Disciples of Distortion! Community members are welcome to submit entries for consideration, and this years deadline is quickly approaching on June 21st. Get those submissions in, can’t wait to here what you all create! Once your ready, shoot it over to stonxers@gmail.com
Here’s a few posts from the commuity:
-Competition posted by community member: r0hl https://www.adam-audio.com/es/concurso-de-bandas-sonoras-del-25-aniversario-2024/
-Competition posted by community member: Acidion https://beatbattle.app/battle/911
Featured Content (Gigs, Mixes and More)
We have some extremely talented people in this community. Producers, DJ’s, Artists, and many more! Here’s a collection of some of the stuff the community has contributed to this last month:
-Posted by community member: STELLGAR “if it’s ok to post… this weeks show from me. Kind of a new music monday type show playing only tunes from my promo inbox. This show happens every (ish) Monday at 8pm on Interstellar Audio’s Twitch and I try to make it a good place for lesser heard tunes from the scene” https://youtu.be/vxBAiLxhZG4?si=AAHHUBZld0bBACS
-Posted by community member: Stonx “My Code Red guest mix is now live” https://code-red-fm.de/2024/05/25/code-red-fm-guestmix-series-w-stonx-london-uk/
-Posted by community member: Sindicate “so is mine” http://So is mine https://code-red-fm.de/2024/05/25/code-red-fm-guestmix-series-w-sindicate-hamburg-de/
-Posted by community member: FauxRealz “OOOOH SNAP!!!” https://on.soundcloud.com/AwAiNKEvygyRmybX9
-Posted by community member: Sindicate “I know these awards are mostly popularity voting but anyway lots of us are in the final voting round for either national or international categories. You can find O&P in national and north Germany categories.” “@FauxRealz better not use my first sentence for the blog post tho” https://drumandbassawards-germany.de/
-Posted by community member: Skorpion “opening for Justin Hawkes/Kumarion/Bensley CarrytheFire Tour in SF June 2nd!” https://dothebay.com/events/2024/6/2/bensley-justin-hawkes-kumarion-present-carry-the-fire-tour-tickets

-Posted by community member: GooseTronics “Migration tour, summer Goose gigs”

Community Engagement:
Stonx Music partners with BestDrumAndBass.com and with that, brings a couple of services that are offered to us. If you are a label and want to use a promo mailer service that has fantastic outreach and meaningful feedback, check the link below: https://www.bestdrumandbass.com/promo-mailer-service/
If you are a Producer and/or DJ, and want an amazing EPK, look no further. BestDrumAndBass.com has you covered! Check link below: https://www.bestdrumandbass.com/new-epk-service/
You can catch Stonx, Bad Syntax, and E-Sassin live B2B2B every Thursday on their Twitch channels.
Stonx records Stonxcast live every Friday on Twitch.
Join Our Community:
Our community is forever growing with talented veterans and the freshest up and comers alike. Come join us, share your music, share your techniques, learn from others and teach others as well! This community is open arms for the DnB enthusiast, the DnB producer, and the DnB DJ. Hopefully we’ll see you in there!
Stay Connected:
You know the deal….. Links below

Ollie –
Label Manager / Co-founder

Sinan – Sindicate
Mastering Engineer

Daniel – FauxRealz
Artist Relations / Blog

Alex –
A&R / Social Media

Michal – Triddy
A&R / Stream Master