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Meet the Artists: RCA

Our Disciples of Distortion Vol. 3 series brings you an inside look at RCA, a passionate DJ and producer from Brazil whose journey into music started over 20 years ago. His track “Milagro,” a collaboration with Sindicate, brings a unique Latin twist to the compilation, with a story as vibrant as the track itself.

Disciples of Distortion Vol 3 | Out Now: https://cygnusmusic.link/bn4lgyq

Meet RCA

Can you share a brief background about yourself as an artist? How did you get started in music, and what are some of your influences?

I started my music career as a DJ around 2000, when I was 13 years old. It was around that time that I first heard Drum & Bass on a mixed album by DJ Marky called Workin’ The Mix. I was blown away by the music, and the tracks by EZ Rollers were a huge hit at the time. That’s when my passion for music really began.

I started attending parties in Belo Horizonte, my hometown, and my interest in turntables grew even more. In 2004, I bought my first vinyl—Sub Focus’s “Ghost”—which I still have to this day. Even though I didn’t have turntables, I would play my vinyl at friends’ houses and learn DJing there.

I stepped away from music for several years due to family matters in 2009, but in 2020, with the Covid-19 pandemic, I returned to music. I began DJing again through livestreams on Twitch and dove into music production. I was lucky to take part in a Drum & Bass production course by DJ Andy at Bass Music Academy here in Brazil. In 2022, I released my first track, Ritual, and ever since, I’ve been focused on producing more music. My journey eventually led me to the Stonx community, and the rest is history!

What was the inspiration behind your track on this compilation? Can you walk us through your creative process for “Milagro”?

The inspiration behind Milagro came from a tequila called La Leyenda del Milagro. I had a lot of ideas in mind for a track with a Latin vibe, but I couldn’t quite make it sound “neuro” or “funky” enough. That’s when Sindicate stepped in and worked his magic. He transformed the track into something I couldn’t have imagined on my own. Since La Leyenda del Milagro would have been too long a name for the track, we shortened it to Milagro.

Are there any specific production techniques or tools you used in this track that you’d like to highlight?

The biggest highlight in this track is Sinan Phillips, aka Sindicate. He’s a genius who completely transformed the track.

Did you face any challenges while creating this track? How did you overcome them?

I often feel like I have limitations in music production, and I wasn’t always sure what needed fixing in my tracks. So I decided to ask the experts for help. Sindicate’s musical knowledge took the track to the next level, and I also gained a lot from studying the techniques of Teddy Killerz, Stonx, Gydra, and Redpill. Working with Sindicate helped me achieve sounds I didn’t think were possible.

Is there a personal story or meaning behind this track that you’d like to share?

Absolutely—tequila works miracles! The track is called Milagro because I had taken a few shots of La Leyenda del Milagro before starting the creative process in my DAW. It’s truly the best tequila on the market.

The Track

RCA, Sindicate – Milagro
“Milagro” by RCA and Sindicate is an absolute party anthem that’s destined to be the track of the summer. Bursting with vibrant trumpets and infectious Spanish vocals, this banger expertly blends upbeat vibes with heavy basslines. The collaboration between RCA and Sindicate overcame the challenge of merging these elements by crafting a bassline groove that perfectly complements the jubilant instrumentation, with trumpet stabs punctuating the rhythm. “Milagro” is the track that will set the roof on fire, blow the doors out, and blast the speakers—an undeniable must-play in any DJ’s arsenal this season.

How do you view the community of artists involved in Disciples of Distortion Vol. 3? Have you collaborated with any of the other artists on the compilation before?

The Stonx community is amazing—it’s incredible how people from all over the world can speak a common language through neurofunk. This is my first collaboration with members of the community. Last year, I tried submitting a track for the compilation, but it just wasn’t good enough at the time. I’m really proud of how far I’ve come since then.

(Related: Check out Sindicate’s interview for more about his contributions to Milagro.)

“Tequila works miracles! The track is called Milagro because I had taken a few shots of tequila before starting the creative process.”


What can your fans expect from you in the near future? Are there any upcoming projects or releases you’d like to mention?

Just one day after Milagro drops, I’ve got a track called Something coming out on Liquid Flow, a sublabel of DNBB Records. I also have releases coming out with Mathematica Records and Brain Rave, as well as future releases with Stonx Music. You’ll definitely be seeing more of RCA in the near future, and I’m looking forward to working with Sindicate again soon!

What advice would you give to up-and-coming artists who are trying to make a name for themselves in the electronic music scene?

Persistence, patience, and intelligence—mix those with passion, and you’ve got a recipe for success. I’ve always been persistent with my DJ livestreams, and I kept pushing by sending my tracks to labels. Rejections are part of the journey, but perseverance pays off. Show your face, whether in your productions, livestreams, or wherever you are.

What do you hope listeners take away from your music and this release?

Expect the best of neurofunk and some surprises from Disciples of Distortion. And of course, play Milagro—Sindicate and I put a lot of love into this track.

Where can fans connect with you online?


For more updates, keep an eye on our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter pages.

Disciples of Distortion Vol 3 | Out Now: https://cygnusmusic.link/bn4lgyq

Words by STONX and Stonx Music Co – Founder Ollie Barron

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