Anizo | New EP | Dolphin Unfriendly Tuna / Burn Corpo Shit | #147


Anizo, a fresh face to the Stonx Music roster, comes in strong with his debut release “Dolphin Unfriendly Tuna/Burn Corpo Shit”. These are two absolute balls-to-the-wall neuro tracks, with a nod to the absurdity of everyday life.

Anizo crafts an experience that is as thought-provoking as it is entertaining. Through the juxtaposition of humorous song titles and serious musical undertones, Anizo invites listeners on a journey through the complexities of modern existence, all while keeping them grooving to the heavy beats.

We recently had the pleasure of sitting down with Anizo to delve into the details of his upcoming release on Stonx Music. In our exclusive interview, Anizo shared insights into his creative process, inspirations, and what listeners can expect from his latest project. From behind-the-scenes anecdotes to musical influences, our conversation offered a glimpse into the journey behind the music

    Can you share some insights into the inspiration behind the title “Dolphin Unfriendly Tuna”?

There’s one little fill sound in the track which in isolation sounds exactly like a seriously pissed off dolphin chitter. From there the idea of dolphin friendly tuna popped into my head because brains are weird, then it didn’t take long to corrupt that into the idea of a gang of badass dolphin unfriendly tunas waging war against dolphinkind. This tuna is the soundtrack to that war. 

   What was the creative process like when crafting the playful lead for this track?

The sound was one of those happy little studio accidents we all have sometimes. You’re just messing around with a synth and suddenly you hit on a cool noise or hook that grabs you by the feels. That was the first element of this track and it suggested an atmosphere that all the other elements derived from. 

    Any specific elements or techniques used in the production that you’d like to highlight?

The bassline is kind of weirdly chromatic, dancing around adjacent notes and pitches that aren’t exactly in key. I think that’s the core of the tension in this tune and makes the whole thing feel uneasy and close to wrongness, which is my whole vibe. 

The title “Burn Corpo Shit” exudes rebellion and defiance. What motivated you to choose this title for the track?

I’m pretty pissed off at the world in current year. Join me. Let’s hit things (peacefully). 

   Were there any particular influences or inspirations that shaped the sound and vibe of this track?

All of my music at the moment is heavily influenced by technological progress and my simultaneous excitement and unease with it. We’re at a point in history where we could develop towards utopia, but we definitely won’t because we’re daft monkeys who like to have more shit than the other monkey, so this track wears the whole cyberpunk dystopia thing on its sleeve. I express dystopia through an impenetrable wall of reese noise. 

Is there a message or underlying theme that you hope listeners will take away from “Burn Corpo Shit”?

I think we’re all sick of profit being the only thing that apparently matters in modern society. I’m not calling for violent uprising targeting corporate assets or anything, I’m just gently casting light on the idea that it might be something we could consider considering at some point. 

As the release date draws nearer, we’re eagerly anticipating what Anizo has in store for us. Make sure to keep an eye on our social media channels for updates and sneak peeks leading up to the big day. And don’t forget to tune in to STONXCAST for exclusive previews and behind-the-scenes insights. With Anizo’s release on the horizon, the excitement is palpable – this is one you won’t want to miss!


The Stonx Music Team

Words by STONX and Stonx Music Co – Founder Ollie Barron

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